Locum doctor FAQ
Rewarding and diverse opportunities in all medical specialties and seniorities.
Choose where, when and how you want to work. Our locum doctor jobs allow you to top up your income, earn a higher pay rate or gain the flexibility you need to travel, study or spend time with your family. We have a diverse range of locum doctor opportunities available across Australia and New Zealand.

Locum doctor jobs
Rewarding and diverse opportunities in all medical specialties and seniorities.
Choose where, when and how you want to work. Our locum doctor jobs allow you to top up your income, earn a higher pay rate or gain the flexibility you need to travel, study or spend time with your family. We have a diverse range of opportunities available across Australia and New Zealand.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I work with Medic Oncall?
Once you have completed your internship and been granted General Medical Registration status.
How do I apply for your locum doctor jobs?
It’s easy and quick to apply for our locum doctor jobs, just click on the register now button and you will be taken through the process, any problems call our team in Australia on 1300 66 22 66 or in NZ 0800 88 67 88.
It’s a good idea to have a current resume, photo ID (passport, drivers’ licence and medicare), names of three consultant level referees, WWCC, police check (we can do this for you), general or specialist AHPRA registration, MBBS certificate, medical indemnity certificate and vaccination evidence ready to upload. We will send you login details to our mobile phone app when you are fully registered.
What type of locum doctor jobs are available?
We have great relationships with public and private hospitals nationally as well as opportunities to work at Events, GP Clinics, Covid response projects, medical report writing and assessment opportunities, independent medical examinations. You can do a super short shift of just one day or a placement for up to 6 months to find the locum doctor job that is right for you.
What level of doctors do Medic Oncall place?
We place all levels and specialties of doctors from PGY2 to Specialists. We have interesting and varied work in clinical and non-clinical settings.
How do you get work?
We have a great mobile phone app that gives you access to diverse opportunities and shifts online. Tailored specifically to what you are looking for, our MOC app can be accessed via mobile or online portal and offers a timesaving and more flexible way of managing information and shifts.
How do I get paid and how much?
Depending on the work you accept you may join our payroll or be paid directly by the client. We offer a weekly payroll where we look after everything. Pay rates vary and will usually be an hourly rate of between $100 per hour and $300 per hour again this depends on your experience and the type of work.
Can I work interstate or overseas?
Absolutely. We have a wide range of positions available throughout Australia and New Zealand. However, individual employers may require specific documentation prior to commencement of work. We will advise you if this is the case.
Do I have to accept any work that is offered to me?
No. There are no minimum shift requirements and you are not obligated to accept work. Our doctors have the flexibility to decide when and where they want to work.
Are my travel and accommodation costs covered?
Our clients outside the metropolitan area are happy to cover the costs of travel and accommodation for their temporary doctors. You may also be eligible for a living away from home allowance.
I’m a medical student. What can I do to be ready for future work with Medic Oncall?
Start preparing a detailed resume and your cover letter. Ensure you add all your clinical rotations, including contact details for your supervising consultant or doctor. Talk to other doctors who have worked or are currently working in locum or temporary positions. Get involved in hospital committees or RMO societies. Attend Medic Oncall educational courses to ensure your skills are up to date. Look out for lunches and Coffee Angels events sponsored by Medic Oncall by Healthcare Australia advertised in the doctors’ rooms at your hospital.
Do I need medical indemnity insurance to work with Medic Oncall?
Yes, it is a requirement of our clients that you hold your own medical indemnity insurance, it’s a good idea to talk to your medical indemnity provider to get all the information. You will need to provide us with a copy of your certificate of insurance as part of your registration.
What if I have conditions on my registration?
As a Medic Oncall doctor, you have an obligation to notify us of any conditions on your registration.