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10 Major Roles of GPs in Rural and Remote Areas: An Examination of the Importance of GPs in Providing Healthcare to Underserved Communities

Working in Australia

The Role of GPs in Rural and Remote Areas: An Examination of the Importance of GPs in Providing Healthcare to Underserved Communities

General practitioners (GPs) are especially important in rural and remote areas because these areas frequently face special healthcare challenges. GPs play a more important role in Australia’s vast regions. Nonetheless, a concerning trend is that an increasing number of GPs are moving from rural to urban areas. This change presents underprivileged communities with several challenges. In this blog, we delve into the importance of GPs in rural and remote areas, highlighting how they’re the linchpin of healthcare services in these regions.

GP Shortage in Australia

Australia has experienced a severe GP shortage in recent years, especially in rural and isolated areas. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) attributes some of this shortage to the “brain drain”  phenomenon, in which medical professionals relocate to urban areas or overseas in search of better employment opportunities. This leads to a lack of access to basic healthcare services in rural areas, which exacerbates health disparities. Read more about the GP Shortage in Australia and its significant impact — here (update the link once published)

Definition of “Rural and Remote Area” in Australia

Regional areas and cities that are located some distance away from one another are referred to as “rural” or “remote” areas. In Australia, these terms are frequently defined in relation to variables such as distance from urban areas, population density, and ease of access to services.

  • Rural areas

Rural areas are places that are clearly apart from major towns and cities, yet they may still have reasonable access to some services. Depending on how far they are from essential services and amenities, they are frequently further divided into “inner rural” and “outer rural” categories.

  • Remote areas
    Remote areas are those that are far from large cities and have very little access to essential services. They are frequently divided into two additional categories: “remote” and “very remote,” the latter of which is the most cut off from resources like job opportunities, healthcare, and education.

Why is the Increase in GPs moving from rural areas an issue?

Long story short, the problem of a GP shortage in Australia’s remote communities is being made worse by the migration of GPs from rural to urban areas. This phenomenon puts undue strain on the remaining healthcare infrastructure, including neighbourhood clinics and hospitals, in addition to lowering the accessibility and quality of primary healthcare for rural residents. Over-reliance on these few facilities frequently results in overbooked ERs, postponed treatments, and worsened healthcare disparities. A vicious cycle is created when GPs leave rural areas: when healthcare facilities decline, prospective GPs find it more difficult to practise in these areas, which worsens the shortage and denies rural populations access to basic healthcare.

Why GPs Reluctance to Work in Remote and Rural Areas and Why They Should Reconsider

Due to a variety of reasons, including concerns such as; fewer opportunities for professional growth, fewer social and educational resources for their families, and the added stress of being a primary, often solo, healthcare provider in a community, many GPs are reluctant to work in rural and remote areas.

There are good reasons to reevaluate this decision, by clarifying the existing concerns. Due to the diverse healthcare needs of smaller communities, GPs have the opportunity to practise a wider range of medicine when working in rural and remote settings. Additionally, it offers a chance to strengthen doctor-patient bonds, which are becoming less common in crowded urban settings. Furthermore, there are numerous financial incentives and support programmes available to GPs to entice them to accept positions in underprivileged areas. While there may be differences in work-life balance, the benefit of having an instant, profound impact on the well-being of a community is undeniable.

How Do GPs in Rural and Remote Areas Balance Work and Home Family Life

GPs in rural and remote areas may find it especially difficult to find a balance between work and home life. The need for GPs to be available for emergencies frequently occurs outside of regular business hours, making it difficult to distinguish between work and personal obligations.

Additionally, GP families may be concerned about the limited educational and recreational opportunities that come with living in a rural area. It’s important to remember, though, that many people view the close-knit rural communities as advantageous because they provide a different, more communal kind of family life.

Notwithstanding the difficulties, GPs have the chance to become highly integrated into the community due to the distinct work-life dynamics in rural areas, which strengthens family ties and increases professional satisfaction.

10 Major Roles of GPs in Rural and Remote Areas

GPs in rural and remote areas often go beyond the call of duty, providing comprehensive care that is essential for these communities. Here are the ten major roles they play:

  1. Primary Care Providers: GPs are usually the first point of contact for medical issues, providing diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care.
  2. Emergency Response: In remote areas, GPs often act as frontline emergency responders, stabilising patients before they can be transported to larger facilities.
  3. Chronic Disease Management: With a higher incidence of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart conditions in rural areas, GPs play a vital role in management and treatment plans.
  4. Maternal and Child Health: They offer pre-and postnatal care, reducing the risks associated with childbirth in isolated locations.
  5. Mental Health Services: With limited access to specialist care, GPs frequently offer mental health services, including counselling and medication management.
  6. Preventative Care: From immunisations to health screenings, GPs are instrumental in preventative healthcare.
  7. Community Health: Many GPs take on roles as community health educators, providing public health advice and organising health camps.
  8. Telehealth Services: Utilising technology, GPs can provide consultations and follow-ups through telehealth platforms, making healthcare more accessible.
  9. Coordinating Specialist Care: GPs often work with specialists in urban areas to ensure a continuity of care for their patients.
  10. Holistic Care: In rural settings, GPs often adopt a more holistic approach, considering the social and economic factors affecting a patient’s health.


GPs in rural and remote areas are more than just healthcare providers; they are an integral part of the community fabric, offering services that extend far beyond the standard remit of urban GPs.

However, the shortage of GPs in these areas is a growing concern that needs urgent attention. Multi-faceted strategies that address both retention and recruitment are essential for ensuring that rural and remote communities in Australia do not continue to suffer from healthcare disparities.

The role of GPs in these regions is irreplaceable, and it is high time we recognise and act upon this pressing issue.


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